About JADC

Outline of JADC

1. Objects

Japan Aircraft Development Corporation (JADC) is a consortium of Japanese Aircraft Industries for the development of commercial airplanes.

The objects of JADC are to advance and further the development of civil aircraft through research, studies and other appropriate means so that it may promote the improvement and development of aircraft industry and eventually to make a contribution to sound prosperity of whole industries and economy of the country.

JADC will execute the following activities to achieve the above objects:
(1) Research and studies necessary or appropriate for the development of civil aircraft;
(2) Tests and experiments relating to the above research and studies;
(3) Analyses of the results, of the above research, studies, tests and experiments;
(4) Facilitation and promotion of the manufacture and sale of civil aircraft resulting from or otherwise relating to the above research, studies and other activities;
(5) Any activity incidental to each of the above activities; and
(6) Any other activities necessary or appropriate to achieve the objects of JADC.

In the event of an aircraft development program which a single manufacturer cannot afford to undertake due to resource constraints, JADC as a consortium of Japanese aircraft manufacturers plays a role to coordinate and consolidate resources and also cooperate with foreign manufacturers as the need arises.

2. Outline of Corporation

(1) Title and Location

Japan Aircraft Development Corporation
Hibiya Kokusai Building 7F, Uchisaiwaicho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0011, Japan
Tel: (03) 3503-3225 Fax: (03) 3504-0368

(2) Date of Establishment

March 30, 1973
Civil Transport Development Corporation (CTDC) was changed on December 27, 1982 to the present name of Japan Aircraft Development Corporation (JADC).

(3) Legal Feature

JADC is a non-profit foundation established for the enhancement of Japanese aircraft industry with the approval of the Japanese government. Thus, JADC has characteristics different from usual profit-pursuing legal entities.

(4) Representatives

Seiji Izumisawa, Chaiman of the Board of Directors
Tomohiro Kondo, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors


(5) Assets

(i) Permanent property : 10,000,000. Yen

(6) Organization and Management

JADC is administered by the Board of Directors and assisted by the Councilors.

(7) Directors

Chairman (Presentative Director)  Seiji Izumisawa
Vice Chairman (Presentative Direcor)
Tomohiro Kondo
Senior Managing Director (standing) Osamu Kobayashi
Directors Takashi Matsuda
Hisao Ikeda
Akitoshi Sakaguchi
Yoshimi Torao
Munetoshi Saito

(8) Auditor

Auditor (standing) Hiroaki Imamura

(9) Councilors

Yutaka Iwahori
Yoji Ueda
Hiroyuki Koguchi
Yoshihiro Saito
Shinji Suzuki
Masataka Sudo
Hiroki Mitsumata